All persons who accepted the Organizer’s invitation to visit the exhibition, as well as those who registered as a visitor or purchased a box office ticket, agree with these rules and undertake to comply with them.

Entry to the exhibition is only possible for professional visitors. A professional visitor is a business owner, individual entrepreneur, official, manager, manager, specialist, other representative of a specialized foreign or domestic company, enterprise, government body, association, union, visiting the exhibition to achieve business and professional goals determined by the theme of the exhibition. To confirm the professional status of a visitor, the Exhibition Organizer has the right to ask him to submit a supporting document: his own business card, a power of attorney or an official letter from the represented organization, or another document indicating the professional status of the visitor.


There are restrictions when visiting the exhibition!
Age restrictions - 18+.
Entry to the exhibition with animals is prohibited.
Entrance to the exhibition with children (children in wheelchairs) is prohibited.
The organizer has the right to refuse to attend the exhibition if the business dress code is not observed, and also without giving a reason.

The basis for entry to the exhibition is a badge or electronic ticket. The badge or electronic ticket is valid for the entire duration of the exhibition.

You can print an electronic ticket yourself after completing the registration procedure on the exhibition website as a visitor. Registration of visitors on the website is open until the end of the exhibition.

The badge can be obtained at the registration desk at the entrance to the exhibition site in exchange for a box office or invitation ticket and a completed registration form.

A box office ticket can be purchased at the box office at the entrance to the exhibition complex.

The purchased ticket must be returned no later than 24 hours before the start of the event. The return request must be sent by mail to indicating your full name and company.

Filling out the registration form when exchanging a cash or invitation ticket for a badge is mandatory. Forms are located on tables near the reception desk.

Media representatives are issued a badge after completing the accreditation procedure, the procedure for which is indicated on the exhibition website in the appropriate section.

Students of specialized universities also have the right to attend the exhibition free of charge on days determined by the Organizer. Entry to the exhibition for these persons is only possible if accompanied by a teacher and according to a list of students officially certified by the administration of the relevant university. The list must be agreed upon with the Organizer no later than two weeks before the opening date of the exhibition.

The badges received at the registration desk and giving the right to enter the exhibition are personalized.

Transfer or sale of electronic tickets and visitor badges to any third parties is prohibited. The exhibition organizer has the right to check the correspondence of the name indicated in the badge with the name of the visitor, for which the Organizer may ask the exhibition visitor to present an identification document.

On the exhibition territory, visitors are not allowed to carry out trade, distribute any advertising and information products, conduct presentations, demonstrations, campaigning and any other advertising events and actions without the written consent of the Organizer.

It is prohibited to be on the exhibition territory in a state or form that does not correspond to the business nature of the exhibition and generally accepted moral standards, as well as to commit actions that violate public order.

Entry to the exhibition with animals is prohibited.

In case of violation of these rules, the Exhibition Organizer has the right, without any compensation, to refuse the person who committed the violation entry into the exhibition territory or to require such person to leave this territory.